Our focus is on refugee resettlement and reintegration. SADO works with the agencies such as UNHCR to provide essential services for refugee returnees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in various parts of Somalia. This includes:


  1. Provision of food and non-food items, intra-community reconciliation, protection, and access to livelihoods in the areas where they operate.
  2. IDPs and other vulnerable groups enjoy physical safety and security on the basis of effective protection by local and national authorities.
  3. IDPs have access to WASH and sanitation facilities, employment and livelihoods.
  4. Enjoyment of sufficient and dignified standard of living without discrimination.
  5. Support family reunification of displaced families and facilitate return to their homes.
  6. Combat against Female Genital mutilations (FGM) among the IDPs as well as host communities while providing basic services to survivors and victims of FGM.
  7. Ensure gender equality and reduce the prevalence of Gender Base Violence among IDPs as well as host communities while providing basic services to survivors and victims of GBV.