A policies and procedures manual plays a vital role in nonprofit organizations. It provides clear guidelines for board members, staff, volunteers, consultants, vendors and suppliers, ensuring consistency and fairness in decision-making processes. Policies and procedures play a vital role in providing structure and guidance that will safeguard compliance with laws and regulations, hence promoting transparency and accountability. SADO regularly reviews and updates these policies and procedures to ensure they remain relevant and effective for the organization’s needs. The following are the policies and procedure manuals of SADO. Some of the policies and procedures manuals are as follows:
Board level
- Governance
- Constitution
- Sustainability
- Board of Directors Code of Conduct
Management policies and procedures manual
- Finance
- Procurement & Supplies
- Human Resources & Administration
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Anti -Harassment Policy
- Anti-discrimination Policy
- Anti-Fraud, bribery and Corruption Policy
- Counter-Terrorism Financing and Anti-Money Laundering Policy
- Whistleblower policy
- Child Safeguarding Policy
- Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Policy
- Information Technology
- Data Retention Policy
- Disaster Response Policy
- Environmental, Social, and Governance (ECG) Policy
- Gifts & Hospitality Policy
- Staff Code of Conduct Policy
The following is a summary of the selected policies and procedures manuals.
The changing environment for development organizations creates the need for effective governance structures and or reforms. This environment is characterized by amongst others heightening accountability expectations, quests for professionalization of NGOs & increased competition for limited funds. NGOs are also required by various statutory stipulations to have a sound governance structures for purposes of accountability, oversight, and strategic leadership. This manual sets out various elements of the SADO governance as well as its operations where:
- Governance refers to the overall oversight initiatives of the board towards the purpose, plans and policies of the organization and the
- Board operations refer to the activities conducted by board members.
The manual sets out policy guidelines on the major operating issues and concerns of SADO. Any policy, rule, regulation, procedure, or provisions that conflict or shall conflict with National Laws of respective countries, International Accounting Standards (IAS) or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), shall be superseded by the later. The purpose of the financial policies and procedures manual is to:
- Define the financial policies, controls, systems, and procedures and establish a standard basis for official decisions, actions and accountabilities and the general financial operations of SADO.
- Give guidance on financial reporting requirements.
- Ensure a uniform accounting practice within and across SADO.
Human Resource & Administration
SADO considers its staff as the most important asset and therefore it is essential that all staff have clear guidance on the minimum standards necessary to ensure that SADO manages its employees well. The procedures and guidelines in this manual contain information which aims to provide staff with an appropriate working environment, where each person will access clear information, enjoy good direction and information of the organizations decision-making process in relation to human resource issues. The manual applies to administration and SADO staff-based in Somalia with the key objective of making each employee more knowledgeable about their workplace, the policies which govern it and provide guidance to supervisors on employment policies and practices as they relate to assignments and employees.
Procurement Supplies and Logistics
The manual details the standards, policies and procedures for all departments to be followed in the procurement of goods, works and services within SADO. its primary purpose is to communicate policies and give guidance to all staff with procurement authority. All staff members are responsible to adhere to the policies contained in this manual. Procurement considers the organizations interests, while seeking to maintain and further long-term, mutually profitable, ethical supplier relationships. These standards, policies and procedures are designed to:
- Provide detailed guidance on the procurement processes.
- Provide uniform procedures for the procurement of goods, works and services.
- Ensure transparency and accountability in all operations, and consistency with the guidelines of donors where necessary.
- Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations;
- Promote the consistent application of procurement best practice and international standards.
Safety and Security
The safety policy is aimed at limiting the safety risks to staff to the best extent possible, through clear rules of behavior, unequivocal procedures, an effective sharing of responsibilities, proper information and intensive preparation for any stay in a possible risk area. The stipulations of the manual are applicable to staff on duty. However, safety and security guidelines have also been provided for non-office related elements where these are connected to official work e.g. for hotels, temporary residences and residential areas in politically volatile environments. All staff must declare in writing that they will observe the stipulations of this manual and instructions imposed by the safety coordinator.
Information Technology
SADO provides and maintains technological product, services and facilities like personal computer, Internet and application software to its employees for official use. The Information Technology (IT) Policy of the organization defines rules, regulations, and guidelines for proper usage. IT policy and procedure manual provides the policies and procedures for selection and use of IT within the business which must be followed by all staff.
Planning Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Reporting
This manual describes the policies and procedures that SADO follows to plan, monitor, evaluate and report on its projects and programmes.It serves as a guideline to all personnel involved in programme management. Its aim is to ensure that the programmes and projects of SADO achieve the desired impact in a cost-effective manner. Its immediate objectives are to standardise PME&R activities, assure internal coherence in programme design, encourage result-based management and promote learning within the SADO. PME&R serves not only to satisfy donor needs but more importantly to inform SADO staff, management, and board about the progress towards its objectives.
Staff Code of Conduct
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to set out principles and standards of conduct and integrity for SADO staff and representatives, to inform all SADO stakeholders of the conduct & behavior they are entitled to expect, and to uphold public confidence in SADO. The Code is governed by all SADO policies and manuals and also by Code of Conduct for The IRC and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief, and the U.N. Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Six core principles relating to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.
Gender Equality Policy
SADO puts gender equality in the center because we know that we cannot overcome poverty and social injustice until all people have equal rights and opportunities. This policy represents SADO’s commitment to take a cohesive and coordinated approach to gender equality. The policy defines SADO‘s explicit intention to support gender equality and the principles expressed in international agreements. The policy includes three core principles and commitments against which all parts of SADO will be held accountable. These are consistent with other organizational and programmatic standards.
Sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) Policy
Through the Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy, SADO clearly expresses its determination to prevent and combat sexual exploitation and abuse of beneficiaries and members of the community by SADO employee and all related personnel. SADO SEA policy sets minimum standards to be followed to protect beneficiaries and members of the community from sexual exploitation and abuse. The policy is principally addressed all SADO employee and related personnel included in the following categories.
Child Safeguarding Policy
This policy defines the roles and responsibilities of SADO staff in upholding child safeguarding within SADO’s areas of interventions and operations and in acting upon concerns of child abuse according to agreed procedures for child protection response/referral. The policy applies to all SADO employees, consultants, and suppliers and /or their representatives. All SADO staff must sign a copy of this document, prior to or at the time of issuing an employment contract, to show that they are aware of this policy and will act in accordance with the contents of this document and with local child safeguarding procedures.
Anti-fraud and corruption Policy
The purpose of the SADO Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy is to provide clear definitions of what we mean by fraud, bribery and corruption. It is also a definitive statement to everyone associated with SADO - making clear that SADO will not tolerate fraudulent or corrupt activities, and the giving or receiving of bribes.
Anti-discrimination Policy
SADO totally opposes any form of discrimination, and biased impact disproportionately on the poor and the most vulnerable people in the world. The purpose of the SADO Anti-discrimination is to provide a clear definition of what we mean by anti-discrimination. It is also a definitive statement to everyone associated with SADO - making clear that we will not tolerate bigotry or bias. These a few of the polices and procedures manuals that have been approved by the BOD for the smooth operations of the organization. Other polices including the Constitution, sustainability